Banking Solutions

The current economic difficulties have ensured that doing business is hard regardless of the size of the company or the sector in which it operates.

Unfortunately the continued lack of readily available credit from “The Banks” has significantly increased the problems faced by business.

However we receive a lot of enquiries from concerned customers regarding their existing credit arrangements on the following basis:

Simple Commercial Finance can work with you to try and resolve some of the above issues or assist with negotiations.

If any of the above apply to YOUR business give us a call and let’s see if we can help.

  • Existing credit facilities being reduced or withdrawn.
  • Additional security being asked for.
  • Increase in the interest rate or indeed penal rates of interests being applied.
  • Frequent reviews insisted upon by the bank and at a cost to the customer.
  • New relationship manager in place often based in a centralised office.
  • Business appraisal insisted upon by the Bank often against the will of the client and at great expense.
  • Variation of terms and conditions previously agreed.
  • Onerous performance covenants insisted upon by the bank.
  • The sector in which customer operates is now “red flagged” by the bank.

For a full list of our services, please see the services section of the website.